From Filmmakers. For Filmmakers.
The next chapter is coming soon!
We are busy preparing for the fifth Sommer Film Akademie, which will take place from 13th to 27th July 2025 in Kühlhaus, Görlitz.
Keep an eye out for updates—we can’t wait to share what’s next!
Docu • Fiction • Music Videos and more
Whether it´s countries, genres, gender, religion or pro- fession - we believe in fluid borderlines.
Join participants, team and guests to learn together and from one another. Let's try out new perspectives, jobs, and world views in a supportive space.
Connections • Collaborations • Digital Lab
At SFA, we don't just make films: we build community. Over the years we've developed a wide network of filmmakers and artists from around the world. Now it's time for the next level. We're now offering our community and artist platform for further connection, development and support.
Springing from the seed of our programs in Görlitz, we've started a platform that creates space for exchange and networking. It pulls from our various filmmakers and artists to bring together our many diverse skills and aesthetics. It will grow as we grow, expanding as we respond to the world around us. Let's make beautiful films, exchange ideas, and have a good time together.
Want to join us? Get in touch.
watch our making of video here


„Das Vorhaben wird gefördert durch die Stiftung für das sorbische Volk, die jährlich auf der Grundlage der beschlossenen Haushalte des Deutschen Bundestages, des Landtages Brandenburg und des Sächsi- schen Landtages Zuwendungen aus Steuermitteln erhält.“ „Projekt spěchuje so wot Załožby za serbski lud, kotraž dóstawa lětnje přiražki z dawkowych srědkow na zakładźe hospodarskich planow, wobzamknjenych wot Zwjazkoweho sejma, Krajneho sejma Braniborskeje a Sakskeho krajneho sejma.“ „Projekt spěchujo se wót Załožby za serbski lud, kótaraž dostawa lětnje pódpěru z dankowych srědkow na zakłaźe etatow, wobzamknjonych wót Zwězkowego sejma, Krajnego sejma Bramborska a Sakskego krajnego sejma.“